Import Kids Saucer Chair directly from China factory, Globaleisure Industry Co., Ltd., and enjoy FREE trade assistant service from DHgate Factory. Shop for kids' saucer chairs at Walmart. Saucer chairs for kids are a cost effective choice for seating in a playroom, family room or bedroom. The Saucer Chair adds style, fun and comfort your kid's room. Kid's Saucer Chair Features: Colorful Pink Fabric. Did you notice the winner of the Scribble It giveaway? Scroll down or click here. Looking for the Teacups and Mudpies giveaway? Scroll down or click here. Did you notice the winner of the Scribble It giveaway? Scroll down or click here. Looking for the Teacups and Mudpies giveaway? NEW Spongebob Square Pants Kids Mini Saucer Chair It looks like you included personal information in your comments. Top Saucer Chair at Over 6.000 shops 23 Mil products! Your #1 Source For Saucer Chairs When most people think of the saucer chair, they associate it with something for kids.